PathPresenter for Clinical Care
Practical clinical workflow for modern institutions
Our clinical digital pathology software empowers pathologists to receive, view, and sign out cases from their institution – or from remote second opinion cases uploaded from around the world – directly in their institution’s existing LIS, bringing the control and organization of the clinical workflow back to the end user.
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Receive, view, and sign out cases from your institution – or from second opinion cases uploaded from around the world
As a “sharing first’ platform, PathPresenter is designed to connect hospitals and pathologists to other institutions and experts, whether in the same state, country, or around the world. We help institutions expand their remote second opinion programs globally, while removing the significant costs to ship glass slides around the world. Further, our platform integrates seamlessly into the consulting hospital’s existing infrastructure, making the leap to digital much easier for the pathologist.

Receive, view and sign-out in your existing LIS
Sign-out workflow has never been easier. A simple mouse click within your existing LIS opens the PathPresenter viewer where the pathologist can view case slides and access best-in-class AI models.

LIS integration through a proprietary HL7 middleware layer
Our proprietary HL7 engine populates the metadata into the LIS. Within the LIS, it creates an internal accession number that allows the images to be linked to the case.

Scanner-agnostic platform
PathPresenter is scanner agnostic, and is compatible with all major scanner file formats.

Access best-in-class AI models with the PathPresenter viewer
Our platform integrates with multiple AI vendors with the overall goal of improving patient care and making pathology diagnosis more robust, timely and accurate.

Easily Bookmark Interesting Cases for Education or Research
Interesting cases are easily bookmarked and sent into folders for de-identification and use in tumor boards, conferences, research, or education.
The PathPresenter Clinical Viewer is a digital pathology image viewing and management software. It is approved for research use only and has not been cleared by the FDA as a medical device. It is the responsibility of a qualified pathologist to employ appropriate procedures and safeguards to assure the validity of the interpretation of images obtained using this device. Pathologists should exercise professional judgment in each clinical situation and examine the glass slides by conventional microscopy if there is doubt about the ability to accurately render an interpretation using this device alone.